A group shot of TT leaders

Towering Traditions Leadership Opportunities

The Towering Traditions Orientation Program strives to empower student leaders to play a significant role in assisting new students in their transition to Belmont. As a student leader in this program, you have the opportunity to influence a new generation of students who come to Belmont. A student leadership position has the power to shape and influence the program and with that comes a great responsibility to Belmont, the new students, and the parents we serve.

The guiding principles for Student Directors, Orientation Assistants, and Tower Team Leaders are based on the principle of servant leadership as demonstrated through Romans 12. This passage serves as a call to who we must be and how we must lead, shaping our vision, mission, and purpose.

Orientation Council

The Orientation Council is comprised of two Student Directors, ten Orientation Assistants, and is led by the Director and Assistant Director for New Student Orientation. These executive level positions serve one full year starting in October and ending the following October. Throughout the year, the Orientation Council:

  • implements, plans, and executes orientation for more than 2,000 new students
  • recruits, selects, hires and trains approximately 210 Tower Team leaders and
  • serves as the face of Belmont to countless parent and family members

Orientation Council applications go live in October.

Tower Team Leader

The Tower Team leader is instrumental in aiding new students in their transition of Becoming Belmont. These individuals are trained as leaders who unconditionally love and welcome each and every student in their Tower Team group. The entry-level position serves from Welcome Week in August through the first semester as they walk alongside a group of new students educating them on Belmont’s community, culture, and traditions.

Tower Team (TT) Leader applications open in January.

Summer Staff

Summer Staff is an extension of the Tower Team leader position. Summer Staff consists of 25 Tower Team leaders who work with the Orientation Council to run Belmont's June Summer Orientation program. Summer Staff live on campus in June and have the opportunity to connect with students and parents throughout the Summer Orientation experience.

Summer Staff Applications go live in March.

Contact Us

We're here to make your transition to Belmont as seamless as possible! If you have questions, feel free to contact us!

Email: orientation@belmont.edu

Phone: (615) 460-8529