Chum Run on Bear Creek at Belmont University


Office of Risk Management & Compliance

Insurance Claim Information

In all instances requiring an insurance claim, complete information and timely notification of incidents is important.  Having claims with complete information and filed in a timely manner helps ensure that claims are processed efficiently and with the least amount of problems and delays for everyone involved.

Auto Claims

If you are involved in an automobile accident while on approved Belmont University business after emergency medical needs have been taken care of, ensure that:

  1. An accident report is completed by appropriate police or security personnel.

  2. Please obtain all passenger and witness names and phone numbers, if possible.

  3. Obtain insurance and vehicle information from all parties involved in the accident.

  4. Relay all information and a description of the accident to your immediate supervisor, Campus Security and the Office of Risk Management and Compliance.

  5. Take pictures of vehicle location and damage if possible.

General Liability Claims

If an accident or injury occurs in your area or if you witness an accident on campus, please notify Campus Security of the incident as quickly as possible (615-460-6911) so they may render immediate aid, obtain an ambulance as needed, and complete an incident report.  If the accident occurs off campus while on campus business:

  1. Obtain emergency treatment as needed,

  2. Notify the Office of Risk Management and Compliance as soon as possible after the incident (615-460-5429 or 

  3. Include witness names and numbers, injured party names, phone numbers, suspected injuries, location with photos of the incident cause, date and time of incident, and a description of what occurred.

Property Claims

When property damage occurs on campus that does not involve a vehicle, notify the Office of Risk Management at 615-460-6766 and Facilities Management Services at 615-460-6670. If the damage needs immediate attention after office hours (such as a water intrusion or broken-out window), notify Campus Security at 615-460-6617 and contact the Office of Risk Management the next work day.

Foreign Liability Claims

Prior to each study abroad trip, students and faculty should receive packets with insurance information and claim instructions.  Whenever this insurance is needed, contact the trip organizer and the Office of Risk Management as soon as feasible after immediate needs have been taken care of.  Log as much information as possible regarding time/date, location, incident description, names and contact information for witnesses and those involved.  Take pictures of the incident location and cause if possible.

Course-Related Travel

When taking students on course-related travel, complete the Assumption of Risk and Release Agreement.

Requesting Certificates of Insurance

If you need a Certificate of Insurance, complete and send the COI Request Form  at least one week prior to the date needed.