Close up image a pink red bud tree with fresh blooms

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Larkin Briley

Suggested Readings: Psalm 17, Zechariah 3:1-10, 2 Peter 2:4-21

Have you ever closed out a social media app on your phone, only to find yourself immediately opening it back up to look at it again within mere seconds? Anyone? Just me?

There are so many things in our lives today that command and control our attention, beckoning us at every waking moment to stay distracted. Our phones, with each ping and buzz, become a constant clamor that demands immediate response, pulling us away from moments of silence, reflection, and connection.

The Apostle Peter warns us in 2 Peter 2:19 (NLT), “You are a slave to whatever controls you.”
In today’s fast-paced, work-hard, productivity-focused life, the Lenten season offers a stark reminder of the need to intentionally take time to evaluate what may have undue control over us. It’s a moment to reflect and to discern whether or not time, attention, and energy are being siphoned away by desires and demands that we’ve not realized. I believe this introspection calls for honesty and courage — the type of courage with which David prays in Psalm 17, saying,

Probe my heart and examine me, Oh God!

Psalms 17:3

Take time today to reflect on these questions: Where in my life has the urgent overshadowed the important? Are there places where I’ve allowed fleeting pleasures or trivial pursuits to steal time and focus from my most important values?

This practice isn’t just an exercise in self-improvement or tedious behavior modification; it’s a spiritual discipline of the heart, a recalibration toward that which is eternal and enduring. In doing so, we work toward ensuring that our lives reflect not what controls us but what we choose to live into – the transformative love and grace of God.

Larkin Briley