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Saturday, February 24, 2024

Jennings Gardner

Suggested Readings: Psalm 27, Psalm 118:26-29, Matthew 23:37-39

"His Presence is a Comforting Light: Faith Over Fear"

Psalm 27 is a timeless expression of faith and trust in God. In this chapter, David pours out his heart, seeking refuge in the Lord amidst the challenges of life. The psalm begins in Verse 1 with a strong and bold declaration: "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" These words show that David places his unwavering trust in God. The imagery of God as light is quite powerful, signifying guidance, clarity, and the scattering of darkness.

A little later in the chapter David shares his desire for an intimate connection with God, a longing to dwell in His presence and behold His beauty. Despite facing adversaries and the uncertainties of life, David finds deep comfort during times of need in the sanctuary of God's love. It shows us that during life's storms, the Lord is a refuge and a fortress, offering shelter and protection to those who seek Him.

As the psalm further unfolds, the writer starts thinking about looking for God. Even when life gets tough, David understands the importance of being patient and staying strong. Verse 14 says,

Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!

Psalm 27:14

This is a reminder, telling us to keep going with hope and bravery, even if things aren't getting better right away. It's saying that it's okay to wait for God's help and to stay hopeful, even when it feels like the answers are taking a long time to come.

This psalm is so encouraging, especially in the dark and uncertain times we live in. As Christians, there is so much evil, in so many forms, surrounding us. It seeks to devour us and rip us away from the love of our Heavenly Father. There is an evil agenda in our society that is seeking to distort and skew the purpose of God’s creation. We need to remain sturdy in His word and like David, have endurance through the darkness and from adversaries storming against us. We MUST actively seek His face and yearn with every fiber of our being to dwell in His presence during our short but highly purposeful time on earth.

"Lord, make your face and light shine upon us!"

Jennings Gardner