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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Amy Hardy

Suggested Readings: Psalm 105:1-42, 2 Chronicles 20:1-22, Luke 13:22-31

In today’s readings, the Psalmist directs us to seek and deeply long for a relationship with the Lord. To make known his wondrous works. Sing to him and glorify his name. Continuously seek his presence in your daily life. Rejoice in his marvelous works!

In 2 Chronicles we see Jehosophat prepare the people of Judah to fight the massive army of Moabites and Ammonites. It teaches us the power of turning to God in times of trouble and trusting for deliverance. Are we not all like Jehoshaphat? Preparing our children, families, friends, loved ones for battle against the enemy every day? Christian life is a battle, this passage teaches us that we face three battles, the world, the flesh, and the devil. The way to combat this is to pray–make this your first go-to in any battle, I refer to it as “worn-out knees!” and praise him throughout the battle. Flood your mind with praise to flip the narrative of your attitude. Keep his name on your lips! Give him praise in the good, bad, and ugly.

In Luke, it emphasizes the narrow path to salvation. There are three takeaways from this passage. The door is open, but it is narrow. The door will not stay open forever. The door is open to all. In a world full of choices, the only choice to enter through this narrow path is Jesus. Seek salvation. Grow your relationship with your heavenly father and do not worry if you are last here on earth. When your time on this earth expires, I would much rather see you be first in heaven than last.

My personal reflection for this reading is this. In the last six months, my husband has faced job loss that we are currently unable to speak about. This scripture is a reminder that while things have been hard, all I must do is praise the Lord, trust in my salvation, and continue to develop my relationship with him. To put a lighter perspective on it, our mess will become our message! We will use it to honor and glorify his name!

Amy Hardy