Image of a student walking on campus down the sidewalk between cherry trees

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Christy Ridings

Suggested Readings: Psalm 20, Judges 9:7-15, 1 John 2:18-28

Have you ever been on the edge of a battle? Maybe not an actual battle, but perhaps a challenge or struggle that you see on the horizon? Perhaps it is a hard conversation with a family member, or the night before a medical procedure, or even the beginning of a recovery journey. These types of circumstances remind us ‘the calm before the storm’ is anything but calming.

That is where we find the Psalmist in Chapter 20—on the cusp of a battle and seeking God in the midst of trouble. It is a prayer of petition for the Lord’s presence during a ‘time of distress.’

We can understand can’t we? Like the Psalmist, we have found ourselves in seasons of trouble. We experience dark days and sorrowful nights. We often grow weary from the constant and unrelenting pressures of life. Seeing the next challenge on the horizon can be daunting.

Like the Psalmist, we ask God for answers, to send help, to grant support, to remember us, to accept our offerings, to give and to grant. We seek God’s face as the only beacon within the storm of life. Also like the Psalmist, we have confidence in our petitions because they are coupled with the trust in the One who hears them.

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

Psalms 20:7

What battle do you see on the horizon of your life? What are you petitioning God for this Lenten season? However you are seeking God’s presence, know you are not alone in the battle you are facing. Put your trust in the name of the Lord your God. The Lord will raise you up, steady your feet and answer when you call!

Christy Ridings