Close up image of dogwood blooms

Wednesday of Holy Week, March 27, 2024

Clee Lee

Suggested Readings: Isaiah 50:4-9a, Psalms 70, Hebrews 12:1-3, John 13:21-32

As I write this I am preparing for a Lenten pilgrimage to the Holy Land. It boggles my mind to think of being in Bethlehem, in Nazareth, at the Sea of Galilee, in Jerusalem during the last weeks of Lent. Will I lift my eyes to the mountains in prayer? Walk the roads Jesus walked? I think of the many people Jesus healed with a single touch. People Jesus healed because of their faith. Authentic faith. In today’s scripture, Timothy exhorts us to revive God’s gift that is in us through the laying of hands. The psalmist affirms that our God neither sleeps nor rests and will protect even our very lives.

March 2 is my daughter’s birthday. Sixteen years ago she was diagnosed with cancer. One year ago she was finally declared cancer-free. She was healed by modern medicine, yes, but also, I believe, by faith. My faith. Her faith. The faith of a large community of believers across the country who “prayed her through” a very long journey of healing.

I’m told many of the places we will visit on this pilgrimage are “traditionally viewed as” or “believed to be” the places Jesus walked, worked, lived. Two thousand years later, much is speculation as to the exact locations. What is not in doubt is that God will walk with us on this journey.

May God walk with us each and every day along whatever path we journey. May our faith bring healing, always. And may God protect our going out and our coming in from now and forever more.

Clee Lee