Steve Murphree

Steve Murphree

Professor, Biology

College of Sciences & Mathematics

Ph.D. in Entomology, Auburn University - Specialization: Entomology and Ecology Research - Interest: Field studies of medically important and other anthropods

Location: Janet Ayers Academic Center 3017



I grew up in rural middle Tennessee where childhood explorations of my family's farm led to insect collections, participation in science fairs, 4-H Club events and eventually my specialization in entomology. My interest in science also led me to a Christian calling to teach biology. I completed a B.S. degree in 1981 and a Master of Science degree in 1984 - both in biology and both at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro. I received my Doctor of Philosophy degree in Entomology from Auburn University in 1990 and joined the Belmont Biology faculty in 1991.

I am a Professor of Biology and have taught freshman and upper-level biology courses. I serve as advisor for Pre-Veterinary Medicine, Pre-Dentistry and some Pre-Medicine biology majors. In addition, I advise students in the Honors Program.  I served as advisor for our Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society chapter from 1992-2022 and currently serve as advisor for the Pre-Veterinary Medicine Club.

I am a medical-veterinary entomologist with broad interests in entomology, ecology and science education and faith/science. The undergraduate research projects that I have directed have mostly determined the incidence of arthropod-borne pathogens like Lyme disease in ticks and Chagas disease in conenose bugs.  I am a frequent contributor of articles about arthropods to the Tennessee Conservationist magazine and have been interviewed about insects by local print, radio and television media.  Since coming to Belmont, I have visited many classrooms in middle Tennessee where I have given insect/spider presentations and have assisted in judging science fairs in the area. I have served as the director of the Middle Tennessee Science and Engineering Fair since 2015. Since 1992, I have taught summer insect day camps for children (Beetles, Bugs and Butterflies) and have assisted staff members at local nature centers/events in educating about insects since 1994. Since 2010 I have led Invertebrates workshops for 3 chapters of the Tennessee Naturalist Program.

I served twice as president of the Tennessee Entomological Society (1998, 2022) and once as president of the Tennessee Academy of Science (1999). In 2001, I received Belmont's Presidential Faculty Achievement Award.  In 2004 I was named the Tennessee Environmental Education Association's Environmental Educator of the Year. In 2013 I received the Tennessee Science Teachers Association Science Teacher of the Year Award for Higher Education.

My wife Kay and I are the parent of four adult children and regularly attend the World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro.  Being a faculty member at Belmont University has been a most rewarding experience. The Biology Department provides a wonderful teaching/learning environment and I am glad to correspond with prospective students and parents who have questions or are seeking more information about what we have to offer.