Sabrina Sullenberger

Sabrina Sullenberger

Professor and BSW Program Director

College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences

PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Location: JMC 403 E



Dr. Sabrina Sullenberger has been a committed member of the School of Social Work at Belmont University since the fall of 2013 and had previously served on the faculty at Indiana University College of Social Work for a decade. Dr. Sullenberger’s teaching spans a broad spectrum of social work curricular areas, with a particular emphasis on community practice, policy, human development, poverty, and work with children and families.

Dr. Sullenberger holds a comprehensive academic foundation in social work, including a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work from the University of Memphis (1993), a Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Tennessee (1995), and a PhD in Social Work from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2003).  (She likes to refer to this as her “triple crown” of social work education.)

Her professional experience is rich and varied, encompassing child welfare—including family preservation and reunification and work in residential treatment centers for adolescents—as well as program development, performance improvement, and enhancing the inclusion of children with special needs in public schools. Additionally, Dr. Sullenberger has extensive experience in research and community practice, focusing on system reform and the intersection of faith-based social services and social action.

Passionate about teaching and mentoring, Dr. Sullenberger is dedicated to fostering an environment where students are both challenged and supported. She is deeply committed to guiding students as they explore their personal callings and navigate their roles in making a meaningful impact in the world.

Child and family well being
Adverse Childhood Experiences
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Council on Social Work Education

Belmont University Faculty Leadership Award for Christian Service

Finalist for Presidential Faculty Achievement Award at Belmont University

Research cited in The Atlantic in 2015, which led to citations in several other media sources

30 Most Influential Social Workers Today (Named by Social Work Degree Guide, 2014)

Trustee's Teaching Award at Indiana University

Faculty Colloquium on Excellence in Teaching, Indiana University

Duffy, J; Sullenberger, S.W.; Hunt. J. (2023). Working with service user knowledge to assist social work students in competence development in the United States.
Social Work Education.

Bloomquist, K. R., Wood, L., Sullenberger, S., & Hostetter, C. (2017). Doin’ meth or
doin’ math: What clients’ constructions of poverty mean for social work practice. Journal of Community Practice, 25(2), 190-212.

Sullenberger, S.W., Wood, L., Hostetter, C. & Bloomquist, K.R. (2015). “You really
have to play the hand you are dealt”: How traditional-aged college seniors understand class mobility. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 25(8). 10.1080/10911359.2015.1052719

Hostetter, C., Sullenberger, S.W. & Wood, L. (2015). “All these people who can do
things that I can’t”: Adolescents’ reflections on class, poverty, and the American Dream. Journal of Poverty, 00:1-20

Wood, L., Hostetter, C. & Sullenberger, S.W. (2014). Waiting to be Cinderella’d?:
Attitudes on class differences among women. Advances in Social Work, 15(2), 460-479.

Hostetter, C., Sullenberger, S.W. & Wood, L. (2013). The key to learning: Engaging
undergraduate students in authentic social work research. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 18, 47-62.

Cooksey-Campbell, K., Folaron, G., & Williamson, S. (2013). Supervision during child
welfare system reform: Qualitative study of factors influencing case manager implementation of a new practice model. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 7(2), 123-141.

Sullenberger, S.W., Hostetter, C. & Wood, L. (2012). Families pass money and
opportunities down: Adolescent constructions of social class. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 22(6), 635-652.

Williamson-Sullenberger, S., & Wood, L. (2011). What’s the word on the street about
poverty? In C. Jumper-Black & K. Khaja (Eds.), Seeing Different Views of the Elephant: Exercises in Appreciating Diversity (pp. 63-66). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

Williamson, S.A., Hostetter, C., Byers, K.V. & Huggins, P. (2010). I found myself at this
practicum: Student reflections on field education. Advances in Social Work, 11(2), 235-247.

Williamson, S.A., Chang, V.N., & Decker, C.L. (2009). Enhancing the success
of SOTL research: A case study using modified problem-based learning in social work education. Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 9(2), 1-9.

Williamson, S.A. (2009). Every day miracles: Using client narratives to write teaching vignettes for faith communities. Journal of Poetry Therapy, 22(2), 77-88.

Williamson, S.A. (2009). The influence of spirituality. In V.N. Chang, S.T. Scott, &
C.L. Decker’s Developing Helping Skills: A Step by Step Approach. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Williamson, S.A. (2009). Buddy returns home. In V.N. Chang, S.T. Scott, & C.L.
Decker’s Developing Helping Skills: A Step by Step Approach. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Williamson, S.A. (2009). Tony: I just don’t know. In V.N. Chang, S.T. Scott, & C.L.
Decker’s Developing Helping Skills: A Step by Step Approach. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Hostetter, C., Williamson, S.A., Byers, K.V., & Huggins, P. (2007). The transformative
power of a learning community. Advances in Social Work, 8(2), 252-263.

Byers, K.V., & Williamson, S.A. (2006). Building skills for social action. In J.L. Perry
and S.G. Jones (Eds.) Quick Hits for Engaging Citizens. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.

Williamson, S.A. & Hodges, V.G. (2006). It kind of made me feel important: Client
reflections on faith-based social services. Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work, 25(2), 43-57.

Williamson, S.A. (2005). She saw something in me: Relationships between faith
community volunteers and mothers leaving welfare. Journal of Social Work and Christianity, 32(2), 151-167.

Orthner, D.K., Jones-Sanpei, H., Williamson, S.A. (2004). The resilience and strengths of low income families. Journal of Family Relations, 53, 159-16.

Orthner, D.K., Jones-Sanpei, H., Williamson, S.A. (2003). Family strength and income in households with children. Journal of Family Social Work, 7(2), 5-23.

Dotson, C. & Sullenberger, S. (2021). Continuing growth: Exploring diversity, equity, and inclusion development opportunities for field instructors. Paper presented. 67th Annual Council on Social Work Education Program Meeting in Orlando, FL.

Hunt, J.; Crowell, J.; Sullenberger, S. (2021). Critical conversations: Clients in the
classroom for the professional development of BSW students. Pre-Conference Institute presented. . 67th Annual Council on Social Work Education Program Meeting in Orlando, FL.

Sullenberger, S., Bloomquist, K.R. & Hostetter, C. (2019). Is the choice of social work
major shaped by childhood adversity? Paper presented. 65th Annual Council on Social Work Education Annual Program m

Sullenberger, S., Hostetter, C. & Bloomquist, K.R. (2018). Does the experience of early adversity shape choice of college major? Paper Presented. 35th Annual BPD Conference. Atlanta, GA.

Sullenberger, S., Bloomquist, K. R., & Hostetter, C. (2017). Workin’ for the man:
Interviews with supervisors of low-wage workers. Paper Presented. 63rd Annual Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting in Dallas, TX.

Bloomquist, K. R., Sullenberger, S., & Hostetter, C. (2016). Constructions of Social
Class: Boomers Look Back. Paper Presented. 62nd Annual Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting. Atlanta, GA.

Hunt, J.W. & Sullenberger, S.W. (2016). On Your MAark, Get Set, Go: Beginning an
Interprofessional Education Initiative. Workshop Presnted. 62nd Annual Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting. Atlanta, GA.

Hostetter, C., Sullenberger, S., & Bloomquist, K. R. (2016). Promoting Excellence in
Undergraduate Social Work through Engaging Undergraduates in Research. Paper presented. 33rd Annual BPD Conference. Dallas, TX.

Sullenberger, S., Hostetter, C., & Bloomquist, K. R. (2016). Are Poverty Attitudes
Different for Social Workers Compared to Other Helping Professionals? Paper presented. 33rd Annual BPD Conference. Dallas, TX.

2021-2023 Received BASIC grant for engaging in the Edgehill community

2016 Received multi-year funding from Tennessee Building Strong Brains Initiative for design and implementation of BETIP (Belmont Trauma Informed Practitioner) curriculum. Co-PI for first year of funding

2012 Co-Investigator, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Phase III Award, funded by the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, 2012-2013.

2006-2009 Co-Investigator, Child Welfare New Practice Model Evaluation
Grant No. 2006-jw-bx-0071, funded by the Department of Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention, 397,144.00