Jesse Sun

Jesse Sun

Assistant Professor of History of Christianity

College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

Ph.D. - Duke University; M.T.S. - Calvin Theological Seminary; M.A. - Stanford University; B.A. - Calvin College

Location: Ayers 2016



Jesse Sun holds a Ph.D. in World Christianity from Duke University. Having joined Belmont University in 2022, he is discovering a range of teaching interests, from Chinese films to the Bible, the history of Christianity, and world religions.

Dr. Sun's research centers on the history of Chinese Christianity and the interplay between religion and nationalism in modern East Asia. His book manuscript examines Protestantism in twentieth-century China, highlighting the rise of Chinese Protestant intellectuals and their engagement with public discourse during times of personal and national crisis. His peer-reviewed work has been published in journals like Church HistoryJournal of Religious HistoryMonumenta SericaPolitics, Religion & IdeologyInternational Bulletin of Mission Research, and Studies in World Christianity.

Born in China, Dr. Sun came to the United States in 2007. His odyssey has now brought his wife and him to settle in Nashville, TN. During his hard-won leisure, Dr. Sun enjoys swimming, hiking, and reading his ever-increasing collection of Chinese historical novels.