Cece Winans: The Steady Hope of Jesus

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Cece Winans: The Steady Hope of Jesus

December 13, 2023 | by The Hope People

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Cece Winans, all-time bestselling female Gospel artist, entrepreneur and pastor, shares how her consistent faith in God helped her maintain hope throughout her career, and how her desire to please God led to her abundant success.

Connect Through Creation. Lean on His Guidance. Embrace Who You Are.

Cece Winans, award-winning Gospel singer, entrepreneur and champion of faith, joined Dr. Greg Jones to expound on her lifelong commitment to God and how utilizing her gifts for His glory contribute to her achievements and confidence in herself.

“God is faithful to every generation. It gives you more reason to live, more reason to make an impact, to plant trees, and He inspires you to take the time to give to something that you might not be around to see, but it's so worth it.”

This episode covers…

  • The connecting power of music and art, and how artists can use their gifts to make others feel less alone
  • How maintaining focus on God’s plan leads to a hopeful mindset and helps one remain selfless in their ambitions
  • The power of utilizing your narrative when pursuing any career and maintaining confidence in who you are

"Through my music, I tell my story. We hear other people's stories and connect on the most intimate level because we're connecting at the cross with what the faithfulness of God has meant to them."

CeCe Winans

Connected through Art

cece-winans.jpegWhile discussing the way music impacted her upbringing and influenced her career, Cece shared how music brings unity with those around her and connects others in love.

“Music is the universal language. It's the language that touches hearts all over the world,” Cece explained. “I've traveled abroad where people couldn't speak English and still the power of the music, the power of the message, the power of the spirit of music.”

As Cece described, the universal power of music brought her closer to the love of others and acted as a gateway to the love of God. She added that she connects to God through her music.

“Through my music, I tell my story,” Cece illustrated. “We hear other people's stories and connect on the most intimate level because we're connecting at the cross with what the faithfulness of God has meant to them.”

Centered in the Gospel

Expanding on the role faith has played in her life, Cece spoke on her experience as a church leader and described how her faith-based mindset led to her calling in life.

“I'm a believer who happens to sing. I'm a believer who happens to teach,” Cece described. “I'm a believer first, and so the belief in that relationship is what leads my life, and so my husband and I started the church.”

In addition to her career, Cece explained how her attitude– centered toward trust in God–guides her through life and acts as a compass toward her actions and optimism.

“I might have a bad moment, a moment or two, but I will never give up my whole day because God is just too good,” Cece praised. “His mercies are new every morning. I didn't have to get up to even be a part of this trial. I can always find a reason to be grateful.”

Faith through Your Story

Speaking on her sources of hope and inspiration, Cece illustrated how God has crafted her story and provided abundant joy.

“Because I fell in love with God at a very young age, I want to tell all the young people I run into to fall in love with him now,” Cece shared. “There are daily benefits of serving him, and I love to share the message of Jesus because the message of joy just comes with it.”

Continuing the conversation on her passion for inspiring youth, Cece provided insight on how to succeed when pursuing a music career and highlighted how staying true to yourself will always keep you grounded.

“This is a very competitive field if you let it be, so don’t compare yourself with other people,” Cece advised. “Nobody can beat me being Cece; they might be able to beat me in many other things, but I got CeCe cornered. You’ve got to practice, you gotta work hard, but when you put that time in, when you put it in God's hands, little becomes much.”

Concluding her thoughts on the power of knowing yourself through God, Cece encouraged listeners to meditate and focus on the good in life, which will provide peace and fill others with hope.

“The Bible tells us when we meditate on good things, he'll keep us in perfect peace,” Cece offered. “I keep my mind on lovely things, and therefore, I'm full of hope. Even in the worst situations, I know that everything's going to be alright.”

Dr. Jones recording podcast

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