Betty Wiseman & Rick Byrd: The Belmont Way

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Betty Wiseman & Rick Byrd: The Belmont Way

November 1, 2023 | by The Hope People

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Betty Wiseman and Rick Byrd, long-standing athletics leaders at Belmont University, share how the love they have received from God and their community has enabled them to pour into their students and model hope.

Nourishing Your Character. Giving Hope Back. Embodying Love.

Betty Wiseman–founder of the women’s basketball team at Belmont and trailblazer for women’s athletics in the Southeast,and Rick Byrd–former long-time Belmont Men’s Basketball head coach and College Basketball Hall of Fame inductee,joined Dr. Greg Jones to discuss their approach toward living a Godly life. The famed athletics leaders praised the people and experiences that motivate them to coach and mentor others with care and love people well. 

“Even at 80 years old, I feel I have a better perspective now than I did in some of those days. It might be a bit different, but I remember people who didn't have to but still poured into my life in so many different ways,” Betty shared. “There's joy in giving hope to somebody.”

“Certainly, in sports where everybody wants to bring attention to themselves when they do one little thing, you need to respect your opponents and respect the game itself, and part of that is not showing them up,” Rick offered. “I think greater things get accomplished when you don't care about who gets the credit.”

This episode covers…

  • How maintaining a loving character that resembles the “Belmont Way” motivates yourself and inspires others.
  • The importance of giving back upon receiving blessings. 
  • The gift of love, and how love for God and others guides people through a fulfilling life.

Scripture says, "To whom much is given, much is required." I remember people who didn't have to, but they poured into my life in so many different ways. And there's joy in giving hope to somebody. It never grows old to me.

Betty Wiseman

Character First

rick and betty recording

While discussing success in an athletic career, Betty and Rick highlighted the significance of maintaining a Godly character on and off the court, and Rick shared his thoughts on maintaining faith and humility when living out your life.

"I think coaches forget that they are teachers of the people that are in their programs. That's how you go about your daily work and life, and the things you say and the way that you say them, and that's what they learn," he explained. "When you're a young coach, you don't get all of that; it was about trying to figure out how to win games more than anything else. But when I came to Belmont and I saw the Christian environment, I saw the kind of people that worked here, it made me think a lot more. It also just became a way that I think made us better."

Discussing the attributes they see in each other that strengthen their friendship, Betty shared her initial impression of Rick, and how the solidity of his character gave her assurance and confidence in her abilities as a new coach.

“His true character came out – who he was. I mean, he was a real individual,” Betty praised. “He loved people. I just felt like he was a Belmont man. Rick embodied everything I thought we needed to lead our young men.”

Continuing the discussion on character, Rick praised how Betty’s character and passion for her work inspired him, giving him a shoulder to lean on.

“Betty was so much the representative of the ‘Belmont Way,’ for lack of another term, in her deep faith, in her love of the kids, in her love of the game of basketball,” he shared. “She was there if I felt like I needed to talk about something, and I so much appreciated that she was there for support.”

To Whom Much is Given...

rick and betty recording

While discussing their past, Betty and Rick shared the people and experiences that have transformed their lives and given them hope. Betty explained how the love she received during her childhood manifested into the love she has given back in her career.

“Growing up on a farm as a young girl and being in an environment that required discipline, every day there was something to do that must be done,” Betty illustrated. “I think the discipline in my life, the patience in my life, the determination, getting my hands dirty, and working hard for a greater purpose gave me hope.”

Betty continued, sharing how the love she received from the Belmont community has inspired her to give that love back.

“I look back on my own life and all the people who poured themselves into my life. Scripture says, ‘To whom much is given, much is required,’” she shared. I remember people who didn't have to, but they poured into my life in so many different ways. And there's joy in giving hope to somebody. It never grows old to me.”

Elaborating on his journey as a coach and his hope for his career, Rick explained how the example set by his father and family inspired hope and motivated him to give hope to others.

“My dad was kind and gentle. I hope I learned kindness from him and caring less about himself,” he commended. “I learned from my wife, Cheryl, an awful lot about how to treat people. I learned from my daughters, Andrea and Megan– they have so many positive attributes. It's a whole lot of everything, but there are certain people that make the biggest impact.”

Embodying Love

While sharing their biggest takeaways from their careers, Betty and Rick both highlighted how fostering loving and Godly attitudes was the biggest game changer.

“I completely believe that you can still be as competitive as anybody and have those standards in front of you,” Rick described. “I think we won more games and more championships because of the kind of people that were in our program.”

Adding her perspective, Betty shared the love God gave to her family, who persisted through their struggles, gave her and her sister the best lives possible.

My dad had an eighth-grade education, and my mother graduated from high school, but they wanted what was best for my sister and me, and that was embedded in me. God just provided people along the way,” she praised. “And the two of you sitting here now with me continue to speak into my life and provide hope for me.”

Describing the love he was shown by Belmont students and alumni, Rick reminisced on how hearing the stories and experiences of his past students was one of the most rewarding parts of his career.

“That's what I so much appreciate, and I hesitate to say that I'm proud of,” Rick noted. “But if I'm allowed to be proud of anything, it's that part of what I did. And I'm glad we've won some games and championships, but that's the part that means the most to me.”

Betty shared the impact of love in her own life, and how it inspired her to share love during every moment possible. If I can do that – if I can give back and give that hope to somebody else – then every day's a gift. And you have to give it away.”

Dr. Jones recording podcast

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