A team of students work to clean up a warehouse.
Undergraduate, Adult Degree | In-Person

Faith and Social Justice

Combine your commitment to your faith with your desire to make the world a better place. Belmont’s Bachelor of Arts in faith and social justice prepares you to find your purpose.

Why Major in Faith and Social Justice? 

In a world filled with injustice, your gifts and commitment are sorely needed. Whether your goal is to lead change or provide direct service, this program will guide you in preparing to engage the world.

You can customize your studies to support your individual interests, from championing social justice issues to serving disadvantaged communities to engaging in mission work. No matter which track you choose, you’ll spend nearly a third of your major gaining practical experience through a three-hour internship and a six-hour externship anywhere in the world.

As you explore your calling to a purpose-filled life, you’ll have countless opportunities to get hands-on experience. You might mentor refugee families, assist with art therapy for the homeless or serve as a ministry intern with a local congregation.

You can also engage in mind-shaping opportunities to see the world. You might travel to sacred sites in Israel, Jordan and Greece or work with Tanzanian nonprofits to address the AIDS epidemic. Or you might share your faith through mission trips in the United States and in places like Brazil, Guatemala and Jerusalem.

Am I an Adult Student? 

What makes Adult Degree Programs special?

Your Success is Personal: Our students are not one-sized fits all, and neither is our commitment to you. Your path to a college degree is unique, and we take your success as personally as you do. Our staff and faculty will be with you from the first point of contact all the way through graduation and beyond, providing personalized guidance and assistance so you don’t have to go it alone.

Education Designed to Elevate Your Career: Whatever adult degree program option you choose, a career-focused curriculum will help you elevate your current career or prepare you for new professional or personal opportunities. 

Unique Tuition Discount for Adult Degree Program Students: Belmont is dedicated to offering access to high-quality education for busy adults. Students in Belmont’s Adult Degree Program receive more than a 40% discount off of the tuition cost that traditional Belmont students pay for the very same quality, private school education. 

What You'll Learn 

faith-careers.jpgAs a faith and social justice major at Belmont, you'll take classes in humanities, social sciences, arts, quantitative reasoning and wellness to complete the University’s general education BELL Core.

Within the department, you'll study core topics in theology, church history, Christian ethics, spiritual formation and Christian life.

You'll also pursue one of three tracks of focused study:

  • Advocacy and Activism prepares you to be a voice of change, leading organizations that champion social justice issues.
  • Policy and Development is a good choice if you plan to pursue hands-on work to meet the needs of the less fortunate.
  • Missions and Ministry equips you to share your faith with communities around the world while working to right society's wrongs.

No matter which track you choose, you’ll spend nearly a third of your major gaining practical experience in your field.

Career Possibilities

A Belmont education prepares you to follow your calling wherever it takes you, whether that's seminary or divinity school, mission work, church service and other ministries, nonprofit work or entrepreneurial ventures. Here are just a few of the career paths you could take:

  • Pastor
  • Chaplain
  • Nonprofit leader
  • Social service agency director
  • Attorney
  • Social worker
  • Teacher
  • University administrator
  • Social entrepreneur

Student Testimonial

"I chose the Faith and Social Justice major because I believed God had called me to a kind of ministry that went beyond the walls of a church building. Through the advocacy and activism track, I was able to intern at the Wind River Native Advocacy Center and help organize efforts for economic development and opportunity for indigenous communities in Wyoming. Those experiences changed my life and broadened my perspective both spiritually and vocationally."

Kyle Minardi, B.A. Faith & Social Justice, 2018; J.D. Arizona State College of Law, 2022
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Program Details


A major in faith & social justice leads to the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and requires 128 credit hours of coursework:

  • BELL core requirements: 52 hours
  • Religion major tool courses: 6 hours
  • Major requirements: 15 hours
  • Emphasis area: 21 hours
  • Minor requirements: 18 hours
  • General electives: 16 hours

See All Program Requirements

Want to Transfer Previous College Credits?

Request a free transfer credit analysis and see how your courses will transfer to Belmont University. (If preferred, I can provide direct link to the form - this was a landing page)

Courses You'll Take

  • REL 1250, Introduction to New Testament and Exegetical Methods
    An advanced Biblical studies course for religion majors which focuses upon the interpretation of the New Testament and introduces the methodology of biblical exegesis.
  • REL 2350, Christian Doctrine
    A study of the basic doctrines of the Christian faith.
  • REL 1410, Vocation and the Christian Life
    An introduction to the study of religion with emphasis on research skills, writing, and personal development.
  • REL 2410, Spiritual Formation
    An emphasis upon using an entire lifetime to be formed by God. The course focuses upon personal discipline, spiritual reading, journal keeping, and dream interpretation as means of being attentive to God.
  • REL 2510, Christian Ethics
    An introduction to Christian Ethics, with attention given to methodology, biblical foundations, types of ethical thought, and Christian responsibility in relation to current social problems.
  • REL 3310, Church History I or REL 3320, Church History II
    • REL 3310 Church History I: Ancient and Medieval Eras
      A survey of the history of Christianity from the first to the fourteenth centuries that explores significant ideas, persons, movements, and institutions.
    • REL 3320 Church History II: Reformation and Modern Eras
      A survey of the history of Christianity from the fifteenth century to the present that explores significant ideas, persons, movements, and institutions.
  • REL 4015, Colloquium for Religion Majors
    A colloquium designed as a capstone experience for majors which integrates biblical, theological, historical, and practical studies. The course focuses on the student as a practicing theologian.
  • World Religions (choose one course)
    • REL 3090 Spirituality in World Religions
      Does not count toward a major or minor in religion. A comparative exploration of spirituality in the major world religions and select indigenous peoples, examining how these traditions perceive the purpose of human life and ultimate concerns in relation to the divine. This course fulfills the Human Experience category B requirement of the BELL Core. It should be taken in the junior year, or as close to the junior year as possible.
    • REL 3095 Ethics in World Religions
      This course is an exploration of ethics and choice in the major world religions, examining how these traditions perceive the purpose of human life and ultimate concerns in relations to the Divine. This course explores the frameworks of Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam.
    • REL 4590 World Religions
      A phenomenological study of the major world religions with emphasis on the attempts of each to deal with the problems which confront humans.
    • Any REL 3000 level Study Abroad course
  • REL 3440, Religion Field Experience
    A field experience designed to provide practical experience in a ministry setting.
  • REL 3510, Poverty and Justice
    A study of poverty and homelessness in the United States and the world in light of social, biblical, and theological approaches to economic justice. This course combines experiential and theoretical learning to help students develop an understanding of economic justice.
  • REL 3520, Faith and Justice
    An introduction to a theology of justice in the history of Christian thought, to theories of justice in the Western intellectual tradition, to contemporary practices of justice and the issues which initiated them, and the contemporary components of social change that draw up on the rich tradition of justice grounded in Christian faith.

In addition to the above major courses in religion, you will also choose from one of the following three tracks and take courses in that track (these courses are included in the emphasis area hours listed above):

Find out what God is calling you to do – and then prepare to change the world. At Belmont, you have numerous ways to explore your purpose.

  • Explore the world. From addressing the AIDS epidemic in Botswana to visiting important biblical sites, our study-away program immerses you in new experiences around the globe.
  • Engage in service. Mentor refugee families or provide art therapy for the homeless. You’ll find limitless opportunities to give back.
  • Get practical experience. Our Field Education program gives you hands-on opportunities to explore your vocation and get valuable feedback.
  • Join a club. From honor societies to faith-based groups, our student organizations help you grow your faith, broaden your horizons and build lasting friendships.

The admission decision process for the Adult Degree Program is different from what someone might experience right out of high school. To be eligible for an Adult Degree program,  applicants must be 24 years or older or provide evidence of two years or more of military service, marriage or having a family of your own.

Even if you struggled academically when you first attended college, the Belmont Admissions Committee looks at more than just your academic history. We also consider your professional experience and personal accomplishments as we review your application materials.

Learn more about Adult Degree Admissions & Financial Aid

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Application Deadlines

Apply by August 1

Start on August 21

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Adult Degree Program

Martha Minardi
Admissions Coordinator
Email Martha